Jami Arnold

Jami Arnold

Vet Technician

Jami Arnold has worked in Veterinary Medicine since High School. Her great uncle was a Vet and she spent every summer working at his clinic before becoming a technician. Jami has worked in multiple capacities including emergency medicine, internal medicine, and for a private canine orthopedic company. Eventually, she missed what she considers her 'home' clinic and the excitement that comes with a mixed practice clinic. Jami is passionate about proper animal care and learning new things to better care for patients. While Jami works both the small and large animal sides of the clinic, she’s most enthusiastic about dental cleanings.

Outside of work Jami has 3 kids that she enjoys hiking, kayaking, and exploring new places with. At home she has 2 Bullys that enjoy taking out your ankles with their eagerness, and 2 large cats who may in fact be who she truly works for.